Clearhead Case Study

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Clearhead is a workplace wellness provider that’s committed to making personalised mental health and wellbeing support accessible for everyone. As Clearhead expanded their business in New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, it became evident that the growing administrative demands were stretching internal resources. The challenge was to scale up their support team without significantly scaling up on cost for the business.


Twoconnect implemented a customised road map to identify the following outsourced roles.

  • Therapy Support Officer: Finding three therapy support officers for administrative functions and with mental health care experience was crucial to minimise onboarding and upskilling time. Their duties would range from client communication to accurate record-keeping.


Having three experienced therapy support officers has proven to be a game-changer for Clearhead. They have taken on a substantial portion of administrative tasks, allowing the therapy team to concentrate on clinical responsibilities and provide timely access to mental health support for their clients’ employees.

  • 65% reduction in operational expenses
  • Reduction in onboarding time for faster scalability
  • 100% revenue growth in the past year

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“I have been super impressed by how easy and quick working with Twoconnect has been in terms of the recruitment process. I’ll definitely recommend TC to companies who are looking to offshore in the Philippines. They have a real handle on the local knowledge, being able to have a very responsive team that deeply understands your needs and solve the problem of increasing our team capacity.”

Dr. Angela Lim
Co-Founder & CEO

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